5 Useful Information You Need To Know About Pomegranate
Now that the cold winter is coming, we are living in a time when we need to eat a lot of pomegranates..The health benefits of pomegranates are countless. Although it has cancer-fighting properties, it is also good for the skin. We would like to share useful information about the pomegranate, a symbol of health, immortality, and abundance. Here are some things you need to know about pomegranates.
Pomegranate is a very rich source of vitamin C. If you drink a glass of pomegranate juice daily, you get 36% of the amount of vitamin C you need for your daily intake. Of course, the vitamins and minerals in the pomegranate are not limited to vitamin C. Pomegranate contains sodium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, and more.
- Prevents Cancer – The most known feature of pomegranate is its protection against cancer. Pomegranate should be consumed, preferably, squeezed and it is recommended to use the whole fruit. Because the pomegranate rind is rich in terms of glycosides, tannins and alkaloids.
- Helps cells regenerate – Pomegranate contains many beneficial substances that will function in the renewal of skin cells and tissues. In this way, the wound heals quickly, skin diseases called dermis or epidermis are also significantly prevented.
- Supportive of cartridge health – If you consume pomegranate juice regularly, the enzymes in pomegranate are a major obstacle to cartilage damage and cartilage degeneration
- Removes excess fat – Research indicates that pomegranate affects the fat build up near the waist and abdomen regions. If you consume pomegranate juice regularly every day for a month, fat build up around the wait and abdominal slows down significantly
- Regulates digestive system – When we think about winter months and microbial states, another important effect is that it is good for the digestive system. The white layer between the seeds is very useful for the stomach. In order to regulate the digestive system, the pomegranate rind is boiled and left to cool. Later, it is sweetened with honey.

Source Wellness Natural Elixirs
The benefits of pomegranate are not limited to the above, a pomegranate extract is good for the heart, relieves palpitation, and fatigue balances blood pressure, strengthens the guns, lowers blood cholesterol, and prevents blood vessel hardening. In addition, it plays a very important role in the treatment of anemia, and to anyone who has a sore throat.